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Publication metrics

Publication metrics, citation metrics or bibliometrics, are quantitative measures, based on publication and citation data.  They can be used to analyse the published output of authors, institutions and regions, as well as an indicator of journal quality. 

Citation/publication metrics are calculated at three levels:

  • Article
  • Author
  • Journal

Publication metrics are often considered as part of research assessment exercises and university rankings and are often used by researchers in grant and promotion applications. For more details about metrics go to the Metrics section of this guide.


Responsible use of metrics

It is important to remember that quantitative measures, such as metrics, are only one method of assessing research output.  They do not capture all types of research impact and shouldn't replace qualitative measures such as peer review.  Considerations when using metrics include:

  • Which metrics are appropriate? Consider the norms of the research field, what the metric is intended to measure and its strengths and weaknesses;
  • Are metrics the best way to assess or demonstrate the research impact? This can depend on the type of the research activity, the field of research and the intended research outcomes; and
  • Using multiple metrics, to provide a more complete picture.

You can find more guidance about the about the responsible use of metrics in research assessment in the following sources: