Web of Science, a Clarivate product, is an abstract and citation database. Researchers can use Web of Science to perform an analysis of their research outputs and to find metrics such as their h-index, overall citations and publications. Authors can also export lists of their publications and citations.
Available metrics/information
- h-index
- total citations
- number of citing documents
- scholarly output
- output by subject area, affiliation and country/region
- citing document authors, affiliations and countries/regions
- co-authors
- number of citing patents
- documents cited by patents
- Author Impact Beamplot Summary
- percentage of output by author position
- Geographic citation map
- peer review data
- Hot papers - are papers published in the last two years that are receiving the most citations (top 0.1%) in the most recent two-month period when compared to peer papers (same field, same publication date).
- Highly cited papers - are papers published in the last 10 years that are receiving the most citations (top 1%) when compared to peer papers (same field, same publication year).
- citations
- use in Web of Science
- Journal Impact Factor (JIF), category rank and quartile
- Journal Citation Indicator (JCI), category rank and quartile
Self-help resources
Web of Science videos
Other Web of Science resources
Library resources
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For more information on how to use Web of Science, contact your Liaison Librarian.