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Web of Science Researcher Profile

Web of Science researcher profiles are algorithmically generated.  You can find metrics such as, your h-index, output, total citations and citing documents.

Claiming your researcher profile

  1. Login to Web of Science.  If you don't have an account, click on 'Register' and create an account.
  2. Web of Science defaults to searching for for documents.  Click on the 'Reseachers' tab.
  3. Search for your name.  If you've published under multiple names, click on '+Add variant' and add the name/s.
  4. Click on your name in the search results.  If you have multiple profiles, select them and click on 'Merge Records' and follow the steps.
  5. On the right of the screen, click on 'Claim my record' and follow the steps.  When your record has been claimed a green tick will appear beside your name.

Merging duplicate author records and Researcher profiles

You may find that you have multiple profiles and/or author records in Web of Science.  Follow these instructions to merge your profiles.

Keeping your profile up-to-date, adding publications and syncing with ORCID

If you find that publications are missing from your profile, you can add them manually.  Some publications may be missing because they are not indexed in Web of Science.  Guidance and instructions on how to sync your profile with ORCID, add publications and other ways to keep your profile up to date are here.

Removing publications from your profile

If you notice publications that do not belong to you, you can remove them, using these steps.

Learn more about your Web of Science Researcher Profile and how to manage it.