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Health Impact

NHRMC Investigator Grant Guidelines 2025 describe health impact as:

Improvements in health through new therapeutics, diagnostics, disease prevention or changes in behaviour; or improvements in disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, management of health problems, health policy, health systems, and quality of life.

The below examples are taken from the Guidelines, and are not an exhaustive list.  Only examples where we have identified a search tool have been included. For a full list of examples, see the Guidelines.

Policy or program adopted

Tool to assist in finding evidence Help resources
Google Advanced Search

Do an Advanced Search on Google

Refine web searches

Using the Advanced Search in Google will enable more efficient searching of government and industry, professional and community organisations by using the following strategies:

  • Search by file type - i.e. PDF (documents without intro web page content)
  • Search by domain - i.e. (useful for locating government reports) or (for organisations)
  • Search by region - i.e. Australia (searches Australian websites without specifying a domain)
  • Search by date
Analysis and Policy Observatory (APO) APO Blog
Overton Help
Policy Commons  
Altmetric Explorer

Finding Metrics: Getting started with Altmetric Explorer (QUT only)

Altmetric Explorer training materials

Metrics Terminology 101

How to search for specific person's research outputs

How to Search Altmetric Explorer: An Introductory Guide for Institutions


A clinical guideline adopted

Tools to assist in finding evidence Help resources
Australian Clinical Practice Guideline ACPG FAQs
Analysis and Policy Observatory (APO) e.g. documents mentioning research used for guidelines APO Blog


International or national practice standards adopted

Improved service effectiveness

Tools to assist in finding evidence Help resources
Google Advanced Search

Do an Advanced Search on Google

Refine web searches

Using the Advanced Search in Google will enable more efficient searching of government and industry, professional and community organisations by using the following strategies:

  • Search by file type - i.e. PDF (documents without intro web page content)
  • Search by domain - i.e. (useful for locating government reports) or (for organisations)
  • Search by region - i.e. Australia (searches Australian websites without specifying a domain)
  • Search by date


Phase I, Phase II and Phase III clinical trials underway or completed

Tools to assist in finding evidence Help resources
Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry Covers trials being undertaken in Australia, New Zealand on the therapeutic areas of pharmaceuticals, surgical procedures, preventive measures, lifestyle, devices, treatment and rehabilitation strategies and complementary therapies. How to search (ANZCTR) Database of federally and privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States and around the world. How to Use Search
Other Clinical Trial Registers  


Reports (including community and government)

Reports (including community and government)
Tools to assist in finding evidence Help resources
Google Advanced Search

Do an Advanced Search on Google

Refine web searches

Using the Advanced Search in Google will enable more efficient searching of government and industry, professional and community organisations by using the following strategies:

  • Search by file type - i.e. PDF (documents without intro web page content)
  • Search by domain - i.e. (useful for locating government reports) or (for organisations)
  • Search by region - i.e. Australia (searches Australian websites without specifying a domain)
  • Search by date
Trove Advanced Search
Overton Help
Policy Commons