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Altmetric Explorer

  1. Follow the search instructions on this page.
  2. Click on 'Research Outputs' tab.
  3. Select 'Patents' from the dropdown box next to 'Sort by'.

Select Patents from Sort by:

  1. To see the citing patent documents for a publication, click on its entry in the search results and click on the 'Patents' tab.
  2. To export a spreadshet of your publications with all mentions, orded by number of patent mentions:
    1.  Go back to the search results page
    2. Click on 'EXPORT THIS TAB'
    3. Select the appropriate option to download the results.

Searching for patents that mention your publications

  1. Follow the search instructions on this page.
  2. Click on the 'Mentions' tab.
  3. Select 'Patents' the 'Add source' dropdown menu.

Click on Patents

  1. Click 'APPLY'
  2. To see more details about the patent, click on its name in the search results.
  3. To export a spreadshet of patents citing your documents:
    1.  Click on 'EXPORT THIS TAB'
    2. Select the appropriate option to download the results.