Author-level publication metrics are quantitative indicators which can assist in demonstrating the impact or reach of an author's published output.
Common metrics include (click on the links for intructions to find the metric):
Many metrics should not be used to compare researchers from different disciplines or fields. Field-normalised metrics seek to allow comparisons across fields. They include (click on the links for intructions to find the metric):
Other metrics can be used to show how the citation performance of an author's published outputs compares to the rest of the world in a given year/and or subject category. These include (click on the link for intructions to find the metric):
Journal metrics are also used as a measure of the quality of an author's published output. There are a number of journal-based metrics that seek to quantify the quality of journals (Scimago Journal Rank, Journal Impact Factor, Source-normalized Impact per Paper and CiteScore). Author metrics calculated using journal metrics include (click on the links for intructions to find the metric):
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