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Digital Poster


The purpose of a poster is to convey a meaningful summary about a project, even if the presenter isn't there. Great posters use visual design to grab people's attention and direct it to the most important points of their project.

You will be using your digital poster to aid your presentation by using its visual elements to help explain your project.


Note: Your digital poster will cover the same points as your abstract with more detail + references + visual design. Visual design is the difference between an okay, good or great poster.

You may choose different, more description headings, however you must include the information below.


  • What is the best way to summarise your project? Aim for a single, concise phrase that indicates both the content and context of your work.
  • Tip: Look through a relevant publication for examples of the style used within your particular discipline

Background and Problem:

  • Why is your topic important / significant?
  • What is the problem you're trying to solve?
  • What is the history of this problem?


  • Specifically, what are you trying to achieve in your research project?


  • What approach / study design did you take in your project?
  • What were the procedures you carried out? Include measurement and data analysis techniques.


  • What were the results of your methods? What did you learn?


  • What implications do your results have for the field of research and/or practice?
  • What conclusions have you come to about your topic?


  • Which academic references have been key influences on your project?


Example 1: 

Title: Climate cooling or warming? A study into Australian cities' long-term temperature records and effect on building analysis

Authors: Sophie Magee, Aaron Liu

Subjects: Architecture and built environment, Engineering / Aerospace engineering, Engineering / Chemical process engineering, Engineering / Civil engineering, Engineering / Computer and software systems engineering, Engineering / Electrical engineering, Engineering / Mechanical engineering, Engineering / Mechatronics engineering, Engineering / Medical engineering
Tags: Engineering Research, Engineering VRES, QUT VRES, Vacation Research Experience Scheme, VRES