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ASM Materials Handbooks Online
Peer-reviewed, comprehensive information on ferrous and non-ferrous metals and materials technology. Includes the complete content of all ASM Handbook volumes, several supplements and two desk editions. Content is updated quarterly.
CHEMnetBASE reference books
A collection of electronic reference works including the Combined Chemical Dictionary, the Dictionary of Organic Compounds, the Dictionary of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds, the Dictionary of Natural Products, Properties of Organic Compounds Database and the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Each title is searched separately.
DataVis Material Properties by Access Engineeering (McGraw-Hill)
DataVis is an interactive data visualisation tool that transforms the way students learn about material properties. The active learning project can be used as-is, copied or customized for your own course. The "Getting Started with DataVis" project will show you how to create, save and share your own pages. The "Exploring Basic Materials Properties" project contains pages relating to density, specific gravity, tension, stiffness, and yield strength. The "Properties for Aerospace Structures" project goes a step further and includes the tensile and flexural strengths, the absolute and relative costs and the thermal considerations.
Knovel Data Properties Search
Knovel’s data search allows users to find specific types of properties data for materials and substances, while on-the-fly unit conversion makes it easy to search in your preferred units.
Register for a personalised My Knovel account in order to save and organise search results. Please note you must register with your QUT email address
Material ConneXion
A comprehensive database of over 7000 materials and processes, selected with the advice of an independent jury of design practitioners. Materials are categorised according to chemical composition, and include carbon-based materials, cement-based materials, ceramics, glass, metals, naturals, polymers and process. Searchable features include sustainability, processing, usage, physical properties and country of manufacture.
Matmatch is a materials search platform that connects engineers and material suppliers.
Merck Index Online
For over 120 years The Merck Index has been regarded as the most authoritative and reliable source of information on chemicals, drugs and biologicals. Now this trusted resource is available online from the Royal Society of Chemistry.