The Australian Election Database compiled by Campbell Sharman of the University of Western Australia, provide time series information and contextual data relevant to the conduct of elections, voting systems and political parties.
As part of its collection, ADA holds a variety of data on elector surveys, candidate surveys, media studies, population statistics and election results for elections going back to 1987, the first year of the Australian Election Study. The combination of these various resources provides a set of comparative resources for understanding the various influences on voter behaviour from both a micro and macro perspective, exploring a variety of voter, candidate, population and electoral system characteristics.
The Australian Election Studies aim to provide a long-term perspective on stability and change in the political attitudes and behaviour of the Australian electorate. The surveys investigate the changing social and attitudinal bases of Australian politics as the society changes. In addition to these long-term goals, the AES examines the political issues and personalities in each specific election and evaluates their importance in shaping the election result.
This website has been created by researchers associated with the University of Western Australia and is intended for anyone who wants to find out general information about Australian parliamentary politics and elections.
The 1991 National Race and Politics Survey was a nationwide telephone survey carried out by the Survey Research Center of the University of California, Berkeley. Respondents were asked questions about welfare, race relations, altruism, and members of other races.
Survey of voting behavior in the United States, conducted biennially since 1956. Basic questions on religious identification and attendance at religious services have been asked throughout the time series, but the religion module was widened starting in 1990. Contains links to download all the data.
This series of quadrennial studies was designed to investigate the opinions and attitudes of the general public and a select group of opinion leaders on matters relating to United States foreign policy and to define the parameters of public opinion within which decision-makers must operate.
State and local government employment and finance data. Holdings cover 1973-1992. More recent years can be downloaded from the U. S. Census Bureau website:
Conducted in 1998, 2000, and 2002 by the Pew Center for the People and the Press, the Biennial Media Consumption Survey measured the public's use of, and attitudes toward, the Internet and traditional news outlets. Respondents were asked questions concerning their use of newspapers, television news, radio news, and news magazines, including specific programs and publications.
Representative probability sample surveys in the country designed to explore the changing determinants of electoral behavior in contemporary Britain. The link above is to the surveys from 1969 through 1997. ICPSR also holds the earlier surveys starting in 1963.
Canadian National Election Surveys for 1965, 1968, 1972, 1974, 1984, 1988, 1993, 1997, 2000. Also includes the 1974-1979-1980 Quebec Referendum Panel Study and the 1992 Referendum Survey on the Charlottetown Accord.
The CSES is a collaborative program of research among election study teams from around the world. Participating countries and provinces include a common module of survey questions in their post-election studies. The resulting data are deposited along with voting, demographic, district and macro/electoral system variables. The studies are then merged into a single, free, public dataset for use in comparative study and cross-level analysis.
In federal election years, the German Politbarometer is considered part of the German Election Study. However, in some election years when funding is not awarded, election studies are not carried out. 1969+
The purpose of this data series was to provide large-scale scientific surveys and make possible in-depth investigation of the political attitudes, perceptions, and electoral behaviors of a large, representative national sample of adult Black Americans. The studies permit analyses and change in the Black community on a scale that had not been possible before the series began.
A non-partisan research organization to improve understanding of the U.S. Hispanic population and to chronicle Latinos' growing impact on the United States. Downloadable datasets include the 2004 National Survey of Latinos: Politics and Civic Participation, the 2004 National Survey of Latinos: Education, and the 2002 National Survey of Latinos
Contains data on 6,754 political instability events in 84 selected nations in the period 1948-1965. The variables in the dataset are divided into four basic types: variables that identify events, classify events, describe events, and evaluate events.
This Web site contains information on and access to the most recent update of the Polity data series, originally designed by Ted Robert Gurr. The Polity IV Project continues the Polity research tradition of coding the authority characteristics of states in the world system for purposes of comparative, quantitative analysis.
The data provide information on congressional service and selected biographical characteristics for each person who had served in the United States Congress in the period 1789-1996.
ICPSR's holdings of historical election returns data cover the years 1788-1990 and consist of several discrete datasets that contain county- and state-level returns for all elections to the offices of president, governor, United States senator, and United States representative.
The Pew Research Center for The People & The Press offers free access (with registration) to its data archive. Datasets are currently available dating back to January 1997. Datasets include: U.S. Politics & Policy; Journalism & Media; Internet, Science & Tech; Religion & Public Life; Hispanic Trends; Global Attitudes & Trends; Social & Demographic Trends