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Add Images

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Images can be added to any text box in LibGuides or to the text section of other kinds of boxes.

Your LibGuides account includes an Image Library to which you can upload images to use in your guides.  (This feature is part of a LibGuides add-on that BC added to our regular subscription.)

Information on this page covers:

  • Adding images to your Image Library
  • Inserting images from your library into your guides
  • Managing images in your Image Library.

There are also subtabs on inserting images from the Web and aligning text and images.

Managing Your Image Library

As your Image Library grows, it may become harder to find a particular image you are looking for. 

The Image Library does not include a folder system for organizing your images, but there is a Filter by Filename tool that can help you locate an image you're looking for by name.

Type some text into the tool and only those images that have that text as part of their filename will appear. 

Choose your image  filenames carefully to make the tool most effective.  You might, for instance, include the name of the guide as part of the file names  Images on this page, for example, include:

  • gettingstarted-imagelibary.jpg
  • gettingstarted-addimage.jpg, and
  • gettingstarted-filter.jpg (shown below).

Adding Images from Your Computer to LibGuides

  1. In the text editor, go to the place in a text box that you want the image to appear and click on the image icon (picture of a tree).

  2. Click on the link (in red letters) that says "Click to upload an image from your computer or reuse an image in your personal image library."

  3. Click on the Browse button, navigate through your computer's files to the image file you want to upload, and select it.  The file location should then appear in the Browse box.

  4. Click on the Upload Image button. The image will be added to your Image Library and will appear with all of your other images.

  5. Double click on the image and then hit the Insert button.  (To insert an image already in your Image Library, skip steps 3 & 4.) 
    NOTE: You can also type the name of an image file in the Filter by File Name box to find it among your images.  (See Managing Your Image Library at left for more on this.)

  6. Depending on how you want to align the image, you can then either leave the alignment at "Not Set" or change it.  (See Aligning Images & Text for more information.)

NOTE: If you upload a new image but do not want to insert it immediately, just close the Image Manager box and hit cancel.  The uploaded image will remain available in your Image Library for later insertion into this or other guides.

Tags: get, guide, help, libguides, library, qut, staff, started