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A Virtual Reality game that enables you to explore a patient's brain and search for neurons. 

Available for iOS, Android, Samsung Gear, Oculus Rift, Steam, and HTC Vive.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset. Created by Bharat from Noun Project


undefined 3D Organon Anatomy

An award winning immersive self-discovery experience into the human body.

Available for Oculus Rift, Steam, and HTC Vive.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset.  Created by Bharat from Noun Project


 The Physiology of the Eye

An educational program that provides information about the anatomical and physiology structures of the eye.

Available for Oculus Rift, Steam, and HTC Vive.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset.  Created by Bharat from Noun Project

Biomedical Science


Nanome creates VR visualisations of molecules and proteins, which the user can create, edit and interact with. Users can rotate or enlarge molecules and measure distances or angles between atoms with their hands. Import molecules from public databases such as the RCSB Protein Data Bank, Pubchem, Drugbank, or your own computer.

Available for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset.  Created by Bharat from Noun Project



BoxVR offers boxing-inspired workouts, with varying durations and intensities.

Available for Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, HTC Vive and Windows Mixed Reality.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset. Smart glasses.  Created by Bharat from Noun Project

Hot Squat

Hot Squat is a simple game where players must squat under obstacles, at varying pace and duration.

Available for HTC VIve.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset. Smart glasses. Any phone or tablet. Smartphone headset.  Created by Bharat from Noun Project


Notes on BlindnessNotes on Blindness

An immersive resource exploring blindness, based on the award winning film.

Available for iOS, Google, Samsung Gear and desktop.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset. Any phone or tablet. Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

6x9 6 x 9

A resource that provides you with an opportunity to experience a virtual cell and isolation. 

Available for iOS, Android, Oculus, Daydream, and Samsung Gear.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset. Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

undefined  A Walk Through Dementia

A resource that provides you with an opportunity to experience an insight someone living with dementia.

Available for iOS and Android.

Use on: Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

undefinedMuch too Young Virtual Reality

A resource that provides you with the perspective of a person with Alzheimers.

Available for iOS and Android.

Use on: Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

undefinedLose Your Mind

A program that simulates a psychotic episode.

Contact for more information.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset.Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project


Cardboard CrashCardboard Crash

A resource exploring artificial intelligence and the ethics surrounding autonomous cars.

Available for iOS, Android and desktop.

Use on: Any phone or tablet. Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

Escape My House

Escape My House

A resource that enables you to experience a real house fire, and to help you to survive the danger.

Available for iOS, Android and desktop.

Use on: Any phone or tablet. Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

Social Work

Stanford University's Virtual Human Interaction Lab has developed a handful of VR experiences that create understanding and empathy to promote social engagement and action.

1000 Cut Journey

In this immersive virtual-reality experience, the viewer becomes Michael Sterling, a black man, encountering racism as a young child, adolescent, and young adult. 1,000 Cut Journey highlights the social realities of racism.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset.  Created by Bharat from Noun Project

Becoming Homeless

Spend days in the life of someone who can no longer afford a home in Becoming Homeless: A Human Experience. Interact with your environment to attempt to save your home and to protect yourself and your belongings, as you walk in another’s shoes and face the adversity of living without a home.
Available for HTC Vive.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset.  Created by Bharat from Noun Project

Read about VR in Health

Subjects: Creative industries / Animation, Creative industries / Interaction design and visual communication