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VR for Education

Dissection Simulator: Frog Edition

Learn the fundamentals of the female frog anatomy in an immersive VR hands-on dissection experience, lead by national runner-up Teacher of the Year, Wendy Martin. Lifelike physical models mean that the frog appears as it would in a real dissection, without the safety risks or animal welfare objections.

Available for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset.  Created by Bharat from Noun Project

undefinedMondly VR

An App that enables users to learn a new language in Vitual Reality.

Available on Gear VR and Google Play.

Use on: Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project


Learn geometry and maths in NeoTrie by creating, manipulating and interacting with 2D and 3D shapes.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset.  Created by Bharat from Noun Project

Universe Sandbox

A physics-based space simulator where users create, destroy, and interact on a galactic scale. Create systems by adding stars, planets, moons, comets, black holes and more. Universe Sandbox simulates real-time gravity, planetary climate, collisions, and material interactions.

Available for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset.  Created by Bharat from Noun Project

AR for Education


Download the images from the Quiver website and use the App to bring them to life.

Available for iOS and Android.

Use on: Any phone or tablet. 

360 Video for Education

ClickViewClickView 360 Videos

A collection of 360 videos for classrooms. It provides content for a variety of subject areas.

Available on iOS and Android.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset. Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

undefinedNearpod VR

An educational resource that provides classrooms with an opportunity to explore the world.

Available for iOS and Android.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset. Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

undefined Google Expeditions

A teaching tool that enables teachers to take their classrooms to various locations around the world.

Available on iOS and Android.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset. Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

Escape My House

Escape My House

A resource that enables you to experience a real house fire, and to help you to survive the danger.

Available for iOS, Android and desktop.

Use on: Tethered/standalone headset. Smartphone headset.  Any phone or tablet.  created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

Mars Walk VR Mars Walk VR

An interactive and educational resource that enables you to explore Mars whilst collecting objects. 

Available for iOS and Android.

Use on:  Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

undefined Cleanopolis VR

An educational game helping children learn about Climate Change.

Available on iOS and Android.

Use on: Smartphone headset.   created by Morgan McIlwain from Noun Project

Classroom Resources

Read about VR in Education

Subjects: Creative industries / Animation, Creative industries / Interaction design and visual communication