Generally, each NASA mission and program has a video and image collection. See Usage Guidelines at the bottom of the website.
For printed Australian topographic maps in QUT Library, search here using the 100K MAP No. For example, searching 'Ipswich' finds: '9442'. Using these map numbers in the search box on this page finds relevant 1:100,000 and 1:25,000 maps.
Geoscience Australia Data and Publications SearchGeoscience Australia maintains an extensive catalogue for its data, publications, online tools, maps and videos that have been approved for publication.
NearmapHigh quality Aerial PhotoMaps of Australian cities. Zooming to building level detail is provided. Maps are updated monthly and changes over time can be seen using the TimeView feature. Aerial imagery updates are contingent upon good weather conditions and air-traffic control restrictions. These factors will impact the ability for Nearmap to produce regular updates for some regions from time to time.