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Finding Judicial Consideration

Checking for judicial consideration involves searching for and finding cases in which a section of an Act has been referred to, considered, or discussed. The sources listed below are useful research tools to help you perform this task. 
Hint: Always check more than one source to ensure your research is thorough.

Case Citators

  • Casebase (via LexisNexis AU) 
    Type search terms into the Act/Regulation field e.g. Corporations Act and the Provision field e.g. 180.
  • Westlaw (Australia) Cases 
    Type search terms into the Legislation Cited (Title) field e.g. Copyright Act and the Legislation Cited (Provision) field e.g. 49
  • LawCite (via AustLII)
    Type the Act name into the Legislation Considered field, and the section number into the Section field
  • CaseLaw (via Supreme Court Library of Queensland)
    CaseLaw lets you search judgments from Queensland Courts and Tribunals.
    Select Advanced Search, and type search terms into Legislation Cited field eg Criminal Code 663 

Legislation Citators

  • LawNow (via Lexis Advance Pacific)
    The LawNow citator service can be accessed by navigating to the Act, or provision in the Act, in LawNow, then clicking 'View Legislation Citator'. The citator collects links to cases which consider the Act/provision, secondary material (eg journal articles), and the history of amendments.
  • LawOne (via TimeBase)
    The LawOne database provides lists of cases which discuss a particular provision. Navigate to the provision of the Act in question, then click on the 'Cases' button in the top right:
Tags: law, law_school, legislation