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Dictionaries and documentaries


Here are some films that you can borrow from the library:

Cronulla to Kokoda
Online via Informit EduTV

When kids get life

Online via Informit EduTV

You can also find documentaries via the TV News database. Here are some recent titles covered by the ABC's Four Corners.   -

In The Bullies' Playground children across Australia talk about the alarming impact of bullying on their lives. Despite major efforts from governments, schools and teachers, bullying remains an intractable problem made worse by modern technology. Four Corners has spoken to children who have been bullied online and those that do the bullying to try to assess this growing problem.

Kids Doing Time: Matthew Carney goes inside to see firsthand the conditions young offenders in juvenile detention experience. He follows them once they’re out of jail as well, and asks why there are not better support services to help keep them on the straight and narrow. Authorities say that inmates will have access to rehabilitation programs when released, but inmates tell a different tale

(To access these titles use the "Title" of the documentary in the TV News search box)