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Moonlight State                GP 364.132309943 9   

More bloody meetings     GP 658.456  37/A 

View programs online via TVNews database (enter the program title - in italics below - into the database search box):

Finance Minister discusses public service leaks: Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner responds to questions about the implications of the Ozcar Scandal for both sides of politics . He denied that to the best of his knowledge that the government did not leak to the media, the AFP's imminent raid on Godwin Grech's house.

Tax Me If You Can: A former employee of the LGT Bank turned whistleblower stole 12,000 pages worth of documents from his employer which exposed a number of rich tax evaders as well the methods they used to avoid taxes by using the services of the LGT Bank.

The Dishonouring of Marcus Einfeld: Reporter Sarah Ferguson speaks exclusively to former Federal Court judge, Marcus Einfeld, about a lie over a $75 speeding fine that landed him in jail.