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WindForce – Winds of Change


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Articles and Case Studies

Article: "Toward Small-Scale Wind Energy Harvesting: Design, Enhancement, Performance Comparison, and Applicability"
Description: Reviews the recent advances on various wind power harvesting techniques ranging between cm-scaled wind turbines and windmills, harvesters based on aeroelasticities, and those based on turbulence and other types of working principles. The merits, weaknesses and applicability of different prototypes are discussed in detail. 


Article: "Fuzzy logic based multi-criteria wind turbine selection strategy - A case study of Qassim, Saudi Arabia"
Description: Looks at the efficiency of wind energy based on the type of turbine used based on a complex section process. The paper talks about an approach to use for selecting the optimal turbine from a set of 20 turbines of various capacities. 


Article: "A review of energy extraction from wind and ocean" Technologies, merits, efficiencies and cost"
Description: Aims to review the possible wind and ocean power technologies, to make a comparative assessment in terms of energy availability, efficiency and cost, and finally to share the acceptance and challenges in the wind and ocean power development. 


Conference Proceeding: "Significance of domestic wind turbines and study of their key design and performance parameters"
Description: Understand the significance and scope of domestic wind turbines as well as the types of design and performance optimisation.


Article: "Powering the Future: A Wind Turbine Design Challenge"
Description: About a wind turbine design challenge for eighth graders, which may provide inspiration for any students struggling for inspiration for their own design (includes images).

Useful Databases

  • Engineering Village 
    Key engineering and scientific index databases including Compendex, Inspec and GeoRef. 



  • Australian Engineering Collection (via Informit) 
    A collection dedicated to content (1920-) from and about Australia and New Zealand (with some fulltext) covering diverse engineering topics, including journal articles, conference and technical papers, books, discussions, news articles plus unpublished papers.   



  • ASM Handbooks Online 
    Peer-reviewed information across all areas of materials science. Includes all ASM Handbooks, several ASM Handbook supplements, and two ASM Desk Editions. 




  • GeoScience World 
    Peer-reviewed geoscience journals. Includes the OpenGeoSci mapping application that allows users to search for maps, cross sections, charts, tables, figures and data from GeoScienceWorld publications. 


  • Nearmap 
    High quality aerial photo maps of Australian cities and environs. Capital city photo imagery is typically updated 6 – 8 times per year (less often for regional cities, other urban and peri-urban areas). Changes over time can be seen using the map browser timeline. Zooming to city building level detail is possible. Measurement tools allow determination of distance and areas. Split view allows a site change comparison across two image capture dates. Base map options are Vertical (default), Panorama, Terrain, Roads, True Ortho and 3D. Projects allow you to save your own version of an annotated map with measurements. Set up a watchlist to be emailed notification when new imagery for your site(s) of interest becomes available. 


  • IEEE Standards 
    Technical standards published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Covers information technology, power and energy, telecommunications and smart grid research. 



  • Material ConneXion 
    A comprehensive database of materials providing designers with tools required to create smarter, more sustainable material solutions. 


Subjects: Engineering / Aerospace engineering, Engineering / Chemical process engineering, Engineering / Civil engineering, Engineering / Computer and software systems engineering, Engineering / Electrical engineering, Engineering / Mechanical engineering, Engineering / Mechatronics engineering, Engineering / Medical engineering