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Introduction to Caselaw - Video

Legal Databases to Locate Cases

The following legal databases are recommended when searching for case law. Other databases are available for international case law.

There are many legal databases available through the QUT library.


 CaseBase (via Lexis Advance Pacific) This link opens in a new window 

Recommended for: case citators case law

A case citator covering all 56 major Australian law reports back to volume one.


CCH IntelliConnect This link opens in a new window 

Recommended for: case law commentary tax

Case law and looseleaf services covering a range of practice areas.


Westlaw AU This link opens in a new window ​

Recommended for: case law legal journals commentary

Australian legal material including law reports, unreported judgments and legal research titles.


Find a case by citation: Step 1

Start with the case citation. For example, Giannarelli v Wraith (1991) 171 CLR 592

Look up the meaning of the abbreviation within the citation to determine the correct report series. Use the Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations.

For our example, there are a few possibilities, so choose by jurisdiction (Australia). CLR: Commonwealth Law Reports.

Find a case by citation: Step 2

Check the QUT Library Catalogue using the title of the report series.

  • The search results will indicate whether the Library holds the report series online via a database and/or in print on the Law Library shelves. Use the year/volume, parties' names and page number reference from the citation to find the case in either the online or print version of the report.
  • Within the database, use the citation to locate the case: 171 CLR 592 from our example.

Find a case by topic

You may want to find a case on a topic. The best place to start this research is the Caselaw Research (Australia) Guide.