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Library Terms

Call number: a number that appears on the spine of a book or periodical and tell you where the book can be found on the shelves

Catalogue: a list of all print or electronic items availalbe within the library or via the library

Check out: to borrow materials from the library for a fixed period of time

Course reserve: popular items available for a two hour/in-library loan

Curriculum Collection: items used for Education including English Language Learning resources

Database: an electronic collection of information such as journal articles, statistics etc

General Collection: items including books, videos, discs and kits that may be borrowed from the library

Holds: allows you to place a hold on a libary book that is currently checked out so that you may be the next in line to borrow the book

Intercampus loan: allows you to request a book from another campus of QUT be brought to a campus of your choice

Library Help: this is where you can go to request assistance with your research, library resources or lending queries

Overdue item: a checked-out item that has been kept past its due return date

Peer-reviewed article: a peer-reviewed article has been critically evaluated, that is, it has been through a strict approval process. An editor and one or more subject specialists reviews the article before it is published to ensure it is accurate, well-researched and contributes to the knowledge in the specific field.

Periodical Collection: also known as serials or journals, including newspapers and magazines. All periodicals are not for loan.

QUT Readings: a database of readings selected by lecturers for your units

Recall notice: a notice sent to you requesting that an item be returned before its original return due date

Renew a loan: to extend the loan period of borrowed items

Do you need help?

Remember! If you need help with your research, there are people at QUT Library ready to assist you!

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