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Cases and Legislation

The best way to identify relevant cases and legislation is to read your set texts and unit readings. As you read about a specific topic in books, journal articles and readings you will find references (called citations in law) to cases and legislation relevant to that topic. 

For example, a reference to a piece of legislation in a book or article will look like this: Health Act 1937 (Qld). A reference to a court case will look something like this: Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562


The discussion of cases and legislation which you find in your readings is sufficient without needing to read the full text of a case or Act. 

About the Mental Health Act 2016

A guide to the Mental Health Act 2016 has been developed by the Queensland Government to help you understand the Act. The guide summarises key areas of the Act and provides references for those who want to refer to the legislation for a more detailed understanding.

Library Subject Guides on finding legal information

The two below subject guides give a detailed overview of case law and legislation, what it is, how to identify it, and how to find it. While these guides have been created for law students, you will find the introductory pages extremely useful in developing a basic understanding of case law and legislation.

Introduction to Legislation

Introduction to Case Law

Subjects: Health
Tags: ethics, health, nursing