Property information services for Australia and New Zealand. Includes access to On the Market service providing details of addressed listings (updated daily, includes full property history).
Restricted to QUT Property Economics students enrolled in USB142, USB300 and USB344 in 2024. Access is via Canvas.
Academic staff and HDR students interested in using RP Data or Brisbane Cityscope for a noncommercial academic research project should refer to the RP Data and Brisbane Cityscope research project request information page.
Freely available database providing access to past and current application details and basic property information for the Brisbane City Council Local Government area. Allowing you to stay informed about what is happening in an area, gather information to help prepare applications, make a submission or comment on an application.
High quality aerial photo maps of Australian cities and environs. Capital city photo imagery is typically updated 6 – 8 times per year (less often for regional cities, other urban and peri-urban areas). Changes over time can be seen using the map browser timeline. Zooming to city building level detail is possible. Measurement tools allow determination of distance and areas. Split view allows a site change comparison across two image capture dates. Base map options are Vertical (default), Panorama, Terrain, Roads, True Ortho and 3D. Projects allow you to save your own version of an annotated map with measurements. Set up a watchlist to be emailed notification when new imagery for your site(s) of interest becomes available.