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Step 5 Data extraction

What is data extraction in scoping reviews?

JBI describes data extraction in scoping reviews as "data charting" in order to provide readers with a "logical and descriptive summary of the results  that aligns with the objective/s and question/s of the scoping review". (JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis, Chapter 11.2.7 Data extraction)

What data should be extracted?

According to the JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis (Chapter 11.2.7), some key information that reviewers might choose to chart for each included record are for each are:

  1. Author(s)
  2. Year of publication
  3. Origin/country of origin (where the source was published or conducted)
  4. Aims/purpose
  5. Population and sample size within the source of evidence (if applicable)
  6. Methodology / methods
  7. Intervention type, comparator and details of these (e.g. duration of the intervention) (if applicable). Duration of the intervention (if applicable)
  8. Outcomes and details of these (e.g. how measured) (if applicable)
  9. Key findings that relate to the scoping review question/s.