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Googling for Quality

Googling Effectively

Google is a good way to discover Government reports and statistics. But not all the of the information you find on the Internet is accurate, up-to-date and reliable.

It is important to evaluate your information before you decide to use it in your assignment.

Ask yourself:​

  • Authority - Who is the author? What is their point of view? 
  • Purpose - Why was the source created? Who is the intended audience?
  • Publication & format - Where was it published? In what medium?
  • Relevance - How is it relevant to your research? What is its scope?
  • Date of publication - When was it written? Has it been updated?
  • Documentation - Did they cite their sources? Who did they cite?

Always check the URL of a website to determine what type of site the information is coming from:

.edu : an educational institution

.ac : an academic site

.gov : a government body

.org : an organisation

.com or .co : a commercial site

.net : a network

Is it published by a reputable author or organisation?

Subjects: Business / Management and human resources
Tags: management, strategy