United Kingdom Legislation - official government site for UK Legislation
House of Lords Judgments (up to 30 July 2009)
BAILII (British and Irish Legal Information Institute). Gives access to case law and legislation from Britain and Ireland.
New Zealand Legislation - Published by Parliamentary Counsel Office.
Judicial Decisions Online - Published by the Ministry of Justice
THOMAS - Library of Congress site giving access to US Federal legislative materials.
Guide to Law Online - U.S. Federal - from the Law Library of Congress
Guide to Law Online - U.S. States and Territories - from the Law Library of Congress
LII (Legal Information Institute). Maintained by Cornell University Law School
Supreme Court of the United States
Government Printing Office - Federal Digital System (FDsys) - Official publications of the Federal Government (Retiring December 14 2018)
Government Printing Office - Federal Digital System - Official publications of the Federal Government (Activating December 14 2018)
These sites link to organisations that provide free access to a range of legal resources from the relevant jurisdiction. Typically they provide access to legislation and case law with some providing more extensive resources such as journal articles.
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia License.
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