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QUT Library
Library guides
Library course and unit guides
Course guide: Media and Communication
Digital advertising
Course guide: Media and Communication
New books
Media & communication industries
Media in Australia
Digital advertising
Community & public relations
Media audiences
Social media
Disinformation & fake content
Media ethics
Indigenous perspectives
Communication (general)
Professional communication
Political communication
Rhetoric & persuasion
Multimedia design
Research methods
Digital advertising
Digital Media Production for Beginners
Marketing in Web 3.0: artificial intelligence, the metaverse and the future of marketing
Digital Influence on Consumer Habits: Marketing Challenges and Opportunities
The Elements of Visual Grammar
Branded Content: the fateful merging of media and marketing
Brand Seduction: how neuroscience can help marketers build memorable brands
Building a StoryBrand: clarify your message so customers will listen
The End of Advertising: why it had to die, and the creative resurrection to come
Essentials of Advertising
Friction: passion brands in the age of disruption
The Gen Z Frequency: how brands tune in and build credibility
Green Branding: basics, success factors and instruments for sustainable brand and innovation management
Integrated Marketing Communication: advertising and promotion in a digital world
Media rhetoric: how advertising and digital media influence us
Research perspectives on social media influencers and brand communication
Social Media for Small Business: marketing strategies for business owners.
Social Media Marketing: a strategic approach
Media in Australia
Community & public relations >>
Creative industries / Journalism, media and communication
Creative industries / Digital media