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Course guide: Visual Arts
Practice-led Research Methodology
Course guide: Visual Arts
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Practice-led Research Methodology
Practice-led Research Methodology
Some key handbooks
Practice-Led Research, Research-led Practice in the Creative Arts
Chapter: Acquiring Know-How: Research Training for Practice-led Researchers, by Brad Haseman and Daniel Mafe.
The Reflective Practitioner : how professionals think in action
Arts Based Research
Practice As Research : approaches to creative arts enquiry
Material inventions : applying creative arts research
Art As Research : creative practice and academic authority : a project-based examination of the politics of art-led research in a doctoral context
The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts
The Creative PhD : challenges, opportunities, reflection
Interacting : art, research and the creative practitioner
Material thinking : the theory and practice of creative research
Creative Research : the theory and practice of research for the creative industries
Visualizing Research : a guide to the research process in art and design
Thinking through practice: art as research in the academy
Creative Arts Research: Narratives of Methodologies and Practices
Arts-Based Research: a Critique and a Proposal
Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research: perspectives, methodologies, examples, and issues
Old and New, Tried and Untried : creativity and research in the 21st century university
Research Design : quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and community-based participatory research approaches.
Handbook of Arts-Based Research
Method Meets Art : arts-based research practice
Thinking Through Art: Reflections on Art as Research
Action research and reflective practice : creative and visual methods to facilitate reflection and learning
Art-Based Research
Art As Research : opportunities and challenges
Critical practice : philosophy and creativity
Associations : Creative Practice and Research.
Creative collaboration in art practice, research, and pedagogy
Practice-Led Research, Research-Led Practice in the Creative Arts
Art Practice As Research : inquiry in visual arts
Practice-Based and Practice-Led Research for Dissertation Development
The Methodological Dilemma Revisited: Creative, Critical and Collaborative Approaches to Qualitative Research for a New Era
Research in the Creative and Media Arts: Challenging Practice
Methodologies of Embodiment: inscribing bodies in qualitative research
Essential Linda Candy
The Routledge international handbook of practice-based research
The Creative Reflective Practitioner: Research Through Making and Practice.
Explorations in Art and Technology
Interactive Experience in the Digital Age: Evaluating New Art Practice
Interacting: art, research and the creative practitioner
Practice-Based Research in the Creative Arts: Foundations and Futures from the Front Line
Candy, L., & Edmonds, E. (2018). Leonardo, 51(1), 63–69.
Practice-led strategies for interactive art research
Candy, L., Amitani, S., & Bilda, Z. (2006). CoDesign, 2(4), 209–223.
The Role of the Artefact and Frameworks for Practice-based Research
The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts
Relating Theory, Practice and Evaluation in Practitioner Research
Edmonds, E., & Candy, L. (2010). Leonardo, 43(5), 470–476.
Bacon, J. (2010). The voice of her body: somatic practices as a basis for creative research methodology. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, 2(1), 63–74.
Batty, C., & Berry, M. (2015). Constellations and connections: The playful space of the creative practice research degree. Journal of Media Practice, 16(3), 181–194.
Bolt, B., & Vincs, R. (2015). Straw Godzilla: Engaging the academy and research ethics in artistic research projects. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47(12), 1304–1318.
Crouch, C. (2007). Praxis and the reflexive creative practitioner. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 6(2), 105–114.
Mäkelä, M. (2007). Knowing Through Making: The Role of the Artefact in Practice-led Research. Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 20(3), 157–163.
McNiff, S. (2012). Opportunities and challenges in art-based research. Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 3(1), 5–12.
Rutten, K. (2016). Art, ethnography and practice-led research. Critical Arts, 30(3), 295–306.
Skains, R. L. (2018). Creative Practice as Research: Discourse on Methodology. Media Practice and Education, 19(1), 82–97.
Winter, D. (2021). Voicing a Practitioner Research Methodology: Further Framing the Conversation. Voice & Speech Review, 15(1), 76–88.
Zeligman, B. (2015). Feasting on excess: Practice-led research in the visual arts. Outskirts Online Journal, 32.
Art magazines
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pop art