Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)Note: This is an ongoing initiative to harmonise the US patent classification with the WIPO / IPC (European classification) system to form a new, Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) scheme.
The Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) is a US - European partnership between the USPTO and the EPO where the offices have agreed to harmonize their existing classification systems (USPC and ECLA, respectively) and migrate towards a common classification scheme. This was a strategic decision by both offices and is seen as an important step towards advancing harmonization efforts currently being undertaken through the IP5’s Working Group 1 on Classification.
The migration to CPC was based in large on the existing European Classification System (ECLA) modified to ensure compliance with the International Patent Classification system (IPC) and standards administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
CPC is the outcome of an ambitious harmonization effort to bring the best practices from each Office (EPO, USPTO, ECLA, and USPC) together. The conversion from ECLA to CPC at the EPO will ensure IPC compliance and eliminate the need for the EPO to classify US patent documents. At the USPTO, the conversion will provide an up-to-date classification system that is internationally compatible.