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QUT Library
Library guides
Library course and unit guides
Course guide: Interaction design
Artificial intelligence and design
Course guide: Interaction design
Design thinking
Interaction design
Urban informatics and future cities
Sustainability in design
Digital twins
Artificial intelligence and design
More than human and AXD
Game Design
Interactive art
Virtual reality user design
Key databases, journals & conferences
Practice and research
Artificial intelligence and design
Societal Responsibility of Artificial Intelligence : towards an ethical and eco-responsible AI
Convergence of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things
Big Data, Big Design : why designers should care about artificial intelligence
Designing human-centric AI experiences : applied UX design for artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence - when do machines take over?
Responsible artificial intelligence : how to develop and use AI in a responsible way
Artificial intelligence in the design process The Impact on Creativity and Team Collaboration
Reflections on artificial intelligence for humanity
Ai by Design : a plan for living with artificial intelligence
Human Machine Interaction in the Digital ERA : Towards Conversational Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Perspective for Smart Cities
Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Design Principle, Modernization, and Techniques
Digital twins
More than human and AXD >>
Creative industries
Creative industries / Interaction design and visual communication
computer human interaction
creative industries
human computer interaction