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Using GenAI Prompts

For authoritative advice and guidance including if and when you can use GenAI in your assessments and how GenAI can help you study, visit the Learning with GenAI page in HiQ. 

Research students can access QUTs self-paced online module Responsible use of AI in Research Writing - Research students - QUT Portal.

Before you start using GenAI

Before you start using GenAI, consider the following questions: 

  • Is the use of generative AI allowed in my unit? 
  • If AI does this for me, what am I learning/not learning? 
  • How am I going to use this content? 
  • Who owns the content?
  • Who created the model? 
  • Can I verify what has been generated?
  • Can I find out where the information came from? 
  • What biases might be involved?

Prompt engineering

For GenAI to produce the kind of content you’re looking for, you need to tell it what you want. The words you put into a GenAI tool hugely influence the quality of output generated, so you need to carefully consider the words you are using to get the best result.

Consider how you currently ask a GenAI tool to create content. How useful do you find the content it creates?

Prompt essentials 

Getting the best possible content from GenAI tools means being aware of the what, the why and the how of prompt engineering. As GenAI models enter everyday life, prompting skills will become more in-demand. For students, being able to work effectively with GenAI directly impacts successful study and learning experiences. 

Becoming a prompt expert means having a clear working idea of what prompts, outputs and prompt engineering are.

What are prompts?

Prompts or commands are crucial to working with technology. They’re the instructions you use to interact with the program or system. Think of how you ask Google or Library Search to find information you need. Or the way you request Siri, Alexa or other virtual assistants to do something for you. 

The prompt is the instructions you input to guide content generation whether it’s text, image, audio or a combination output. Prompts are typically word-based. However, you can also provide visual or audio prompts in addition to written instruction in some GenAI tools. 

What are outputs?

Outputs are the results or content GenAI tools produce, in response to the input elements or prompts you provide. Outputs can be text, image, or audio based (or a combination). Outputs are not fixed or final and can be edited, modified, or improved. The quality of the prompt input used with the GenAI tool will directly impact on the quality and effectiveness of an output. 

What is prompt engineering?

What makes a good prompt is the art of prompt engineering. Prompt engineering is the practice of building and refining prompts to ensure quality output is produced by the GenAI tool. Crafting clear and effective instructions or questions for GenAI tools helps them to produce content that matches your expectations.  

Taking some time to consider the various elements of the content you would like the GenAI tool to produce for you will help you to develop a more effective prompt. 

Great prompts have some or all of the following elements: 

  • Be specific, clear, and concise. Define what you are looking for. For example, 'list the top 10 places to visit in the UK'. 
  • Provide content and avoid ambiguity. Open-ended prompts are not narrow enough to generate a meaningful response. 
  • Provide specific constraints, such as a target length or tone, to guide the model's response. For example, 'Explain evolution to a 10 year old...'
  • Make it conversational and use complete sentences. 
  • Additionally, a good prompt should have a clear and achievable goal that the model can work towards.

Try the following two prompts in Microsoft Copilot and see the difference: 

  • What are some ideas for a birthday party? 
  • You are a high-end birthday planner. Plan a birthday party for a five-year-old girl with a budget of $5,000. Her favourite colour is pink and she likes dinosaurs. There will be 20 guests of the same age, and the party will be held outside in May in Brisbane, Australia. 

Prompts for productivity and learning

How could you use it?

Prompting for productivity can help you develop a study plan to work through multiple assessments due around the same time. Establish a schedule to organising your time to go over weekly readings. Get suggestions on the necessary steps to reach a goal.  


What are prompts for productivity 

Productivity is about making things like study or work more efficient with time management and other organisational tools. This is when you ask a GenAI tool for help getting sorted with time, energy, planning and focus. 

Using productivity prompts as a student  

As a student, you have competing priorities that demand your time and attention. Prompts for productivity provides you with a way to use GenAI tools to study efficiently and effectively. Whether it’s planning your study schedule, recommending study methods or assisting assessment planning and exam preparation, GenAI is a valuable tool to focus your attention on what matters most throughout the trimester.

Key takeaway

Organisation and planning are key to succeeding at university. You can prompt GenAI tools, particularly text-based ones like ChatGPT or Microsoft Copilot, for productivity guidance in different areas like organising your time and prioritising study.

How could you use it?

Test your knowledge on a topic. Have a discussion on new concepts to improve your understanding. Explore other perspectives of a current issue. Develop your ideas by build from other ideas. With learning prompts, GenAI can take the role of a study buddy for you.

Prompts for learning in different ways

There are many different approaches you can take to learn something new. GenAI can create resources or a scenario which facilitates different approaches to creating understanding and building knowledge. Two examples of how GenAI  prompts can help you build your initial understanding on a topic are discussed below.

Summarising the literature

Some generative AI tools can search the literature and summarise it for you. Tools that do this reliably have access to current academic sources. You should also be aware when using generative AI tools to summarise the literature that you may be required to acknowledge this in your final work.

  • Example prompt: You are an expert in <FIELD> and preparing to write a paper on <TOPIC>. List reliable sources you can use and summarize the main ideas of the paper. Include links to the sources. Check out this example in ChatGPT

Understanding concepts

A language-based generative AI, such as ChatGPT, can enhance your learning by linking new concepts with your existing knowledge. It does this by providing contextually relevant responses, understanding input text, and considering the conversation context. Through repeated interactions, the tool helps you make connections, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.

  • Example prompt: You are studying <DEGREE> at a postgraduate level. Explain the connection between <NEW CONCEPT> and <PREVIOUSLY LEARNED CONCEPT> in an essay form. Provide the response in paragraphs and highlight key concepts. Write with academic style writing.

Specific generative AI tools can enhance your content augmentation by accessing the live internet, generating perspectives and connections related to current events. They also facilitate connecting theoretical concepts to real-world examples, enabling practical application and insights.

  • Example prompt: Imagine you are a technology researcher. Provide a brief analysis of the potential impact of 5G technology implementation in Sydney, considering its implications for various sectors such as healthcare, transportation, and communication. Explore this prompt in action by looking at this ChatGPT link. Notice how the prompts iterate further in conversation with ChatGPT.

Mind Mapping

Another way that generative AI can help your learning is by generating a mind map of a topic. This can give you an overview of a topic, including central and sub-concepts, and demonstrate the relationship between them. It’s important to know that ChatGPT and other text-based generative AI cannot create a visual mind map but can create text-based representations that you can convert into a visual representation using other tools.

Key takeaway

Specificity is key! When crafting prompts, remember to provide context and constraints, such as asking for a finite set of results.

Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Generative AI