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Resources [YouTube]

The first two videos may be helpful in helping you break down your research and organise the information.

How to pitch your research so everyone listens

When you only have 3 minutes, make them count

Video Examples

Here are some video examples of three-minute research pitches. As you watch, consider the following questions:

  • What is their take home message?
  • At what stage did they introduce the problem or question they are researching?
  • How much technical terminology did they use?
  • How did they close the pitch?


Example 1 Cancer unmasked: how inhibiting a small protein could boost anti-tumour immunity

Example 2 Bio-nano-robo-mofos

Example 3 Tinnitus: past – present - future (A not-so-good example. Compare this pitch to the previous two)

Subjects: Information technology / Computer science, Information technology / Information systems, Mathematics, Science / Biological sciences, Science / Chemistry, Science / Earth science, Science / Environmental science, Science / Physics
Tags: QUT VRES, Vacation Research Experience Scheme, VRES