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Innovative teaching practices

Add your ideas

If are teaching in a new learning space and want to share your ideas, please add a comment and describe how you are using the space with learners.

QUT's LATICE Learning Community

The LATICE project is focused on assisting academics to design, develop and implement new pedagogical approaches that make the most of QUT’s innovative learning spaces.

What are my peers doing?

It is important to discuss your class with others teaching in your program. What are they doing? What assessment have they set? Is my assessment different or should it be? How are they enabling students to learn?

Meet your colleagues often and share ideas. 

Using ePortfolios and blogs

Teacher reflections

“At first I was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the group, I am not used to teaching an interactive class with fifty students. But then I realised the shape of the room itself could be changed, and students were able to work in groups and still interact as a whole class. The tables could be moved and they could still see what was going on with the multiple Teamboards.” (Teacher comment from the Lectorial Report, 2010)

Curtin case study: The Flipped Classroom

Tags: active learning, collaborative learning, learning, new learning spaces, student learning, teaching, technology, technology enabled active learning