The Cultural Atlas is an educational resource providing comprehensive information on the cultural background of Australia’s migrant populations. The aim is to improve social cohesion and promote inclusion in an increasingly culturally diverse society.
Public company, industry and country information extending across over 200 countries and every major industry sector. PESTLE analyses are available under Analysis - Countries & Cities - Country Profiles.
PESTLE analyses are available under Analysis - Countries & Cities - Country Profiles.
A market research database with reports and data on industries, economies and consumers internationally. Includes PEST and PESTLE analyses within Country Reports. Published by Euromonitor International.
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You will need to register for an individual account to access this resource. For privacy purposes you do not need to add your full name or details of your course or department (e.g. just enter "n/a" or similar), but it is recommended to use your QUT email address.
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Once you have registered, if prompted to select a Euromonitor product, please choose Passport (not Euromonitor International).
Case studies, research reports and summaries for the marketing, advertising, media and research industries. Also includes best practice papers, guides and daily news.
Freely available statistics, reports, journals, books and data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). As of 1 July 2024 all OECD content became freely available when OECD moved to an open access publishing model.
Academic reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias covering a wide range of subject areas including law, medicine and health, media studies, music, literature, science and technology and social sciences.