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Maps, geospatial data, technical plans/drawings & statistical data

Referencing maps, geospatial data, technical plans/drawings and statistical data

There are no specific examples for how to include technical plans/drawings, maps and geospatial data in your reference list on CiteWrite. The examples below are based on the principle that APA references include:

Who. (When). What. Where.

Who: the creator of the work
When: year the work was created
What: the title of the work
Where: the publication details, or the URL of the website.

Other important information you may need to include are the scale and date the image was created.

Digital map (e.g. from a database or website)

  • Creator. (Date). Title of map. Database. Retrieved from (url).

Brisbane City Council. (2016). Brisbane City Plan 2014 - Water resource catchments overlay. Brisbane City Plan 2014 Interactive Mapping. Retrieved from​


GIS maps and Geospatial datasets

To reference a GIS map

  • The map below found in eBIMAP2 has a flood layer which shows which areas in Brisbane are prone to flooding
  • Creator. (Date of copyright or production). Map title. Scale. Retrieved from (url).

Brisbane City Council. (2015). Brisbane Flood Zones.1:72,224. Retrieved from

To reference a geospatial map produced using GIS software

  • The map of Mt Isa below was found in NearMap. Nearmap uses PhotoMaps technology and digital elevation data.
  • Creator. (Date of copyright or production). Map title. Scale. Retrieved from (url).

Nearmap. (Updated Saturday 01 January 2005). Mount Isa City QLD 4825, Australia. 1:200. Retrieved from 


Satellite images

  • The satellite image below of clouds over the Berring Sea were found on NASA's website
  • Creator. (Date image collected). Title or Scene ID. Satellite and sensor name (if provided). Scale. Retrieved from (url).

Jeff Schmaltz. (1 February 2015). Cloud streets in the Bering Sea. Retrieved from


Technical plans/drawings

From a website

  • Author(s). (year, month day). Title of drawing. (Drawing/Plan No. ##, if provided). [Architectural drawing]. Retrieved from (url)

Foster + Partners. (2011, September 8). Proposed main building Level 1 plan. [Architectural drawing]. Retrieved from 


Statistical data (from a database e.g. CoreLogic RP Data)

CiteWrite includes a section on how to reference statistical data including tables, graphs and reports generated from databases using APA style. The examples below provide extra guidance on how to construct your reference. 

Tables, graphs, financials generated from a statistical database

  • Creator of the information. (date). Title of the figure. Retrieved from name of the database, url.

  • RP data. (2017). Median Sale Price Coorparoo [Data file]. Retrieved January 23, 2017 from Core Logic database



Statistical report from a database

  • Database. (date). Title of the report. Retrieved from url.
  • RP Data. (2017). Suburb statistics report Coorparoo. Retrieved from CoreLogic database


Subjects: Engineering / Civil engineering
Tags: engineering writing, referencing, report writing