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Getting the best out of Google and Google Scholar

Google Advanced for precise, flexible search options

[To view the video in high definition and larger, click the blue QUT 'square' at the bottom right.]

Use the excellent search options in Google Advanced to find anything you want - quickly and easily. It's highly recommended for the 'grey literature'. For example, strategic, policy and government reports and documents.

Google Scholar - Advanced Search

Use Google Scholar to find academic resources (together with the references that cite them) on your topic.

However, the Google Scholar Advanced interface will enable you to do precision searches, so you can find exactly what you want.

Note: If you want make the video screen bigger, click the blue and white QUT logo at the bottom right of the video screen.


*** Click the menu on the top left of the Google Scholar screen to access the Advanced Search options. Like this - 

Google Scholar menu


How to find Google Scholar references in QUT Library - the easy way!

By setting preferences in Google Scholar (as shown in the video below), you can see at once whether references you find are available from QUT Library.

Note: If you want to make the video screen bigger, click the blue and white QUT logo at the bottom right of the video screen.